He Who Shall Not Be Named
(a MOLLY McADAMS story
that has nothing to do with Harry Potter)
Well, there's no point in lying about it, might as well just tell y'all how it all went down now!
One day, long ago ... yesterday ... I came to the horrifying realization that I left Rachel Ryan extremely pregnant at the end of DECEIVING LIES. She and Kash were expecting a son - which he was so grateful for since his eighteen month-ish old twin girls were already proving to be a handful. Why was this so horrifying, you ask? Well, in TRUSTING LIAM - a story in which I bring the FORGIVING LIES series and TAKING CHANCES series together, and is set about twenty-ish years in the future - there is no son. And by "no son", I don't mean something happened to him. I mean I completely forgot about him, so there is no mention of him whatsoever.
Thanks to a good friend and her quick publicist-thinking mind, we decided that he was a Navy SEAL overseas on a mission. A mission so super secret that he couldn't even be mentioned in TRUSTING LIAM. I let all the girls in my "Molly's Monsters" know what was going on as I found out about it/decided on it, and the BEST Facebook thread ever came about. I decided that if anyone else noticed he was missing, I would only answer with "He's overseas."
- "Molly, where's the brother?" ... "He's overseas."
- "Molly, did you forget about the brother?" ... "He's overseas."
- "Molly, what sandwiches do you like?" ... "He's overseas."
Somehow he started getting compared to Lord Voldemort, except our "Unnamed Ryan" was much hotter since he was a SEAL and had a nose, and my super amazing, super forgiving readers were demanding that I write his story. But I refused for a long, long, longlonglonglonglong time. Saying he wouldn't ever be getting his own story. Sorry 'bout it, missing brother.
However, he was my best secret to date. And I had the best time creating his story over the course of three-and-a-half years and surprising my readers with him.
He is now no longer overseas.
And he is here for you.
Enjoy Reed.